Rector Transition

Transition Update 5/1

The posting for a full time, possible 3/4-time shared Interim Clergy will be published by Rev Suzanne Roberts within a week. She already has heard from someone who is interested.

Why “possible 3/4 time”?  Two reasons – we believe that posting a full time position with the option to be 3/4 will open the pool of candidates to the greatest selection possible. In addition an Interim clergy that is 3/4 would not require the full financial package that a full time person might. The most impactful point to our budget is Health insurance – a full time clergy with full benefits could cost up to $30,000 / yr, substantially more than we’ve been paying historically. We are trying to create as many options for ourselves as possible.

It is important to note however, a 3/4 time Interim would not be required to work all Sundays by Episcopal guidelines for part time clergy. Faith Lutheran would still have the shared clergy once/month and it’s likely St Ann’s would have the clergy 2 Sundays/month. We would pursue 3 Sunday negotiations, if at all possible, with prospective Interim candidates.

St Ann’s CAT Survey – The Holy Cow! Consulting order has been placed for the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) survey recommended by our diocesan leaders. A link to this survey will be distributed and marketed to the St Ann’s congregants in mid-late May. As covered last week, Faith Lutheran congregants will be using a different CAT module designed for smaller churches which is more discussion based.

Faith Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting – Faith Lutheran Church will be having a congregational meeting on May 19th after our morning service to discuss potential costs of an Interim Clergy and a Called Clergy and whether we are able to make any adjustments to our current budget that was approved previously.  There may be a vote on this topic.  We will also be discussing what we will do once our 1 year trial contract/partnership with St Ann’s ends June 30th.  We encourage everyone to attend that can make it.

What can YOU do?

  1. Peggy Perks has agreed to lead volunteers supporting the extended coffee hour send-off for Father Tim after the 8amservice at St Ann’s on June 30.

For the BBQ at 11:00 on June 30, Jeremy Cummings is going to serve up smoked brisket and Andrew Scaplen will provide his grill and ribs but we’re still looking for a lead to organize the BBQ.  This involves coordinating potluck, hot dog cooking, set up and clean up.  We’re expecting many hands will make light work!

Please reach out to Patty Bruce via email at or call/text her at 207-939-9873 to volunteer for either of these.

  1. Think about one task you could take on to help the parish you would you be willing to do, like a home visit, help with flowers, host a coffee hour or weed a small garden bed? These are just examples, but it will take all of us working together through this time.
  2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and grow us through the process.

We still have 8 weeks with Father Tim. 


The decision to seek a full time Interim has been confirmed with Faith Lutheran, continuing our ¾ and ¼ partnership through the Interim’s tenure and the calling of a new pastor. We expect to post this position with the help of Suzanne Roberts by 4/30/24.

Some of you may remember Suzanne Roberts. She now serves as the diocesan Transition and Deployment Officer and met with us on April 9th.

Suzanne gave a general overview;
 Suzanne and Rev Dr Bill Barter, Associate to the Lutheran Bishop will work together
through this transition
 Every church and every transition are unique.
 Timelines can be difficult to predict.
 The most important thing to do right now is say good bye to Father Tim.
 This is a challenging time – some people embrace change and some are terrified of change. Take a breath. Support each other. Give each other space and understanding.
 We (as a congregation) need time to figure out where God is calling us next. Do NOT rush the process.

We had a robust conversation about an Interim Rector
o Everyone agrees that an Interim Rector is the good plan.
o This will provide stability and a familiar face through the transition period.
o This will help “prepare the ground” for the permanent replacement.
o The interim person can act without the worry about damaging long term relationships.
o The interim person will “shake things up” since they will not do things the same way Father Tim does/did. This actually helps set up the permanent replacement for success.
o Rarely does an Interim become your Permanent person.
o We need to make some decisions about what kind of Interim Job we are looking for – part time/full time. Suzanne notes that finding a full time Interim is easier that part time. A full time Interim would expect that same level of compensation (salary/benefits) as a typical rector.
o We need to write a job description (likely that will be accomplished by our Sr Warden with FLC lay leadership and Suzanne). Suzanne will start with a profile posted on Diocese of ME website, the jobs board for Episcopal News Service and the OTM website. Bill Barter will post on the Lutheran sites. There is no guarantee that we will have an Interim by July 1 but that would be a good goal. If we do not, we will use supply ministry until an Interim is secured.
o AFTER July 1 and AFTER we have an INTERIM in place, we will form a Discernment/Search Committee for our permanent replacement. This is typically 6-8 people and should include 1-2 people from St Ann’s Vestry and representation from both St Ann’s and FLC.
o The search process in the Lutheran church is very different and FLC will discuss with Bill about following the Episcopal model.

At this time, we had an opportunity to ask additional questions;
Q: This feels like a very long time to wait to ‘get started’. Do we have to wait until after July 1 to begin this work?
A: YES – If we rush, we won’t lay the ground work well. We have things we can do in the meantime. Make sure the website is current and “spiffed up” since any candidates will look there first. We can do a congregational assessment (more on that in a minute). We are
reminded by Suzanne and others that taking the time is a good thing.

Q: Tell us more about the congregational assessment tools.
A: Suzanne recommends an assessment with a company called Holy Cow. There are different modules we can pick from, the cost is based on the size of our membership, everything is done on line, the assessment will be launched and then remain open for 3-4 weeks. This looks at the vitality, health and enthusiasm of the congregation. This helps us identify strengths and weaknesses. This is very different from the survey we just completed. The results get sent to a consultant (Suzanne has a consultant she recommends). The consultant would process and then present both to Vestry and the congregation. This likely will cost a few thousand dollars.

Q: What can we expect with our membership through the process?
A: It is typical to have fluctuations in membership. Some people are so focused on Father Tim, they may leave. And some people may return. During these transitions, things tend to settle out ok and often there is initially an uptick in membership with a new Rector. Healthy
transitions are absolutely possible when the congregation comes together and steps up. People need to have a sense of belonging, feel needed and ownership in the parish. Consistent communication will be critical as well. Father Tim even noted that his style tends to be “I’ll handle it” which results in some people stepping back. Think of now as a “Call to Arms”.

Q: Can we have a half time Interim?
A: Vestry will decide on the full time vs part time role of the Interim. With the FLC relationship and the size of the congregation, it is likely that a full time interim would be a better fit. Most part time people are retired and may not have the energy/enthusiasm we need.

What are the next steps?
 Write a Job Description for the Interim (Sr Warden and Suzanne will work on this)
 Reach out to Holy Cow Consulting to get a better idea of the process and the timing (Sr
Warden will look into this)
 Review the website to make sure everything is up to date and accurate
 Take the time to say our good byes to Father Tim

  Message from Father Tim

Fr Tim has made the decision to move on to a new ministry. Here is the message to parishioners that went out on March 13th:

After much thought, prayer and listening to the Spirit of God, I have accepted a Call to serve as the new rector for St. George’s Episcopal Church in Sanford. We have worked together in ministry for 17 years and serving you as your rector here at St. Ann’s has been the joy of my priesthood. Our children grew up in this Church and came to know God as a loving, caring and inclusive Being, through your faith and inspiration…for that I am eternally grateful. I will continue to serve at St. Ann’s until July 1. Thank you and may God’s blessings be upon you.

Why Did This Happen

Fr Tim has not just been our pastor for 17 years; he was here for five years before that with his family.  Along the way he’s seen Saint Ann’s through everything from a major capital campaign to a ¼ time shared ministry at Faith Lutheran Church. God has driven the growth of the parish to almost twice in size. Fr Tim constantly serves on a stunning number of committees (which is quite an effort for a church of our size), and, along the way has had to work to be the pastoral priest he is at heart.  How many people do you know that have stayed in the same job for 17 years? That kind of longevity is a thing of the past. St Ann’s has been blessed! Fr Tim is 64 years old and Episcopal clergy have a required maximum retirement age of 72.

As our senior warden, Patty Bruce puts it, “While Father Tim’s news of moving on is unexpected, and may be difficult for the congregation, St Ann’s is on solid ground with seasoned leadership and resources from the Diocese to support us throughout this transition. Each one of us at St Ann’s has a personal connection to Tim that we respect and honor. We will support each other through this transition and grow stronger together. Collectively we also have many strengths and skills to carry us forward. We have a lot of work in front of us, but I’m buoyed by the commitment and willing spirit of my fellow Vestry members and others.”

What is the Process from Here?

Our first objectives will be saying goodbye to our long-time rector and friend, as we work to find an interim priest to lead worship with us for the next several months while we seek and find another full-time rector. The vestry and a selection committee will work together to find the best fit for where we are as a church.

What Will the Likely Effect Be on Parishioners & The Parish?

From a personal perspective it is likely to be much the same as watching an adult child, grandchild or friend move away and start a new life.  Difficult and mixed feelings for most, but we all respond differently.  We encourage parishioners to take every opportunity to enjoy Fr Tim over the next few months and to help send him on his way.  We are committed to providing updated information on a regular basis and your vestry members are available if you want to talk. Vestry member contact information is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex and in the Undercroft on the wall next to the TV.

Beyond that, we all likely hold individual thoughts about what the effect will be for the entire parish family.   It may help to remember that St Ann’s is a family rooted in Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit will help guide the process.  Be open to God in your life as the Spirit helps show the way to each of us.