Vacation Bible Camp is coming to St. Ann’s once again this year, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Register now!
Who can come to VBC?
Everyone- if you’re a member of St. Ann’s or if you’re not. VBC is open to campers in preschool through 5th grade, junior counselors in middle school, and counselors in high school. (Note: all participants under age 18 will need to register- please indicate whether you are registering as a camper, junior counselor or counselor on the registration form.) We need adult volunteers too, so please contact Emily at for more information about how you can participate.
When is VBC?
Camp is the week of July 25-29th, and our presentation of our work and songs to the congregation will be Sunday, July 31st at the 10 am service.
We have a new option this year: full day VBC! In response to the need for full day childcare, St. Ann’s is offering our regular morning VBC program, plus an afternoon option to extend the fun until 4 pm. Simply indicate which option you’d like: morning (9-12) or full day (9-4) when you register.
What is the theme for VBC this year?
Ir you’ve experienced a St. Ann’s VBC program in the past, you know that we have traditionally done a theme for the week (the wild west, state parks, oceans, etc.). This year we’re changing it up a bit: we are offering an art/science camp that we’re making ourselves with the focus on “Following the Light.” We will explore the Light in our faith, do some amazing art explorations of light and color, and lots of science experiments about light, too!
What is tuition for VBC this year?
Morning VBC: $25 for the week, includes morning snack; $15 for each additional sibling registered
Full day VBC: $50 for the week, includes am and pm snacks (bring a lunch from home); $30 for each additional sibling registered
Note: there is no charge for junior or senior counselors at camp. We appreciate the gift of their presence with us!
You can write a check or drop cash off at church, but we’ve made it easy to make a payment online this year! Just visit this link (to our online payment company, Vanco) and select “Vacation Bible Camp” in the menu. Enter in the amount you would like to pay and click submit. (Please note: if have not signed up for our Vanco online payment system before then you may need to set up a profile. That will be a one-time task and when it’s done you will be registered to give online for any number of ministries, including stewardship, capital campaign,altar guild, etc.)
Sounds great! Where can I sign up?
You can fill out a paper registration at church (available in the Narthex and downstairs near the bulletin board) and turn it in to the office, or you can register online at the link below.
If you have questions, please contact Emily Keniston at or on her cell at 831-1057. Thanks!