
ACOLYTES – Joanne Rawlings-Sekunda

Acolytes help lead the weekly services year-round. Many tasks learnt are committed to supporting each other, as well as the whole church. Other kids who are at least 9 years old and ready to make the year-round commitment are welcome to join.

ALTAR GUILD ~ Shirley Connor, Chair

 Members of the Altar Guild take care of setting up the altar for each communion service that is held at St. Ann’s on Sunday and other occasions such as church holidays, funerals and weddings. You may not realize all of the behind-the-scenes details that must be done so that the celebration of the Eucharist can flow smoothly. The altar linens are laundered and ironed. Bread and wine and candles must be ready for use much as you provide the staples in your kitchen at home. There are chalices, candles holders and other brass to be cleaned and polished.


 This year we were fortunate to have not one member of our parish family pass on and need our service. For this we’re “Thankful to God” We are here for you and your family if you need us. We will provide a reception in the undercroft after a Memorial Service to help you get through this trying time and to help ease your stress.

HEALING TEAM ~ Carol Parks

St. Ann’s Healing Team offers prayers at Communion time at both Sunday services, and healing team members are available in the chapel area for private and extended prayer following each service.  When requested our healing team will make a home visit to pray for the specific needs of parishioners and their families. We offer the Beyond Blue Christmas service, a quiet worship time for those who find the Christmas season a painful time because of personal losses and life changes. The team meets monthly for a time of checking in, updates and training. We coordinate frequently with the prayer chain. We hope that more and more of our parish family will feel comfortable with healing prayer at the altar when they or someone they love is injured, ill, facing surgery or dealing with a personal challenge.

PASTORAL CARE ~ Dottie MacConnell

 The Pastoral Care Committee meets the first Tuesday of every month at 2:15 p.m. under the direction of Father Tim. The committee’s purpose is to share information about those among us that need assistance, support, rides to appointments, and prayer for those who are ill or any other problem that needs our attention. We encourage those who are in need to be in touch with any one of us.

PRAYER CHAIN ~ Mickie Johnson, Chair

 Members of the Prayer Chain commit to praying on a continuing basis for those in the parish who are ill or those who ask for ongoing prayer. In this confidential ministry we pray for those listed in the Sunday bulletin and for other needs as they are made know to us. Requests may be added to the prayer notebook on the table in the narthex, or through a call to the church office or to any prayer chain member. If this is a ministry to which you feel drawn, please let us know.


 Many new families were presented with gift bags and several have become active members. We held our 2nd  annual Newcomer’s Tea in March at the Higgins home, and we were blessed with the visit of 14 households. Many notes, cards and calls were made to newcomers and others who do not attend church regularly, and most events were well-attended. We are a critical component to any newcomers who visit us. Will you consider joining this vital ministry?  The work of welcoming done by this committee stands second to none in the entire Diocese of Maine.


 Led by Father Tim, we discuss and make decisions around the liturgy and the integration of all its components into services, in line with the needs and desires of our diverse membership, consistent with the Episcopal tradition.

In addition to Sunday, services include Tuesday Lunch & Liturgy, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Stations of the Cross, All Souls Day, and Beyond Blue Christmas. Services are evaluated and  decisions made in regards to their having met a need and their appropriateness to becoming a part of our tradition. Some are revised to accommodate membership and worship space.

Ideally every facet of our worship should be represented on the Committee (music, youth, lectors, intercessors, acolytes, etc.). You are welcomed to join us. You may also approach Father Tim or one of us to express your particular worship needs. We will include them in our discussion and decision-making

If you are interested in any of these ministries please contact our Parish Administrator to get connected with the proper person.